Citizens Commission on Human Rights is an organization dedicated to investigating and exposing Psychiatric violations to Human Rights
Children, ADHD & Psychotropic Drugs: WHAT ARE THE ALTERNATIVES?
Guest Speakers:
Laurence Billing is a father and a director in a company that is committed to Healthy Homes, Healthy Families and a Healthy Environment. He will speak about how you can take control of your life and environment to help yourself and your children. He will provide testimonies from parents who have successfully helped their children with these methods.
Mark Andrews - Naturopath has successfully helped children in his practice who have been diagnosed with ADHD. He will tell us how he has done this and the success he has had.
Tuesday, 2nd December 7.30pm
228 Parramatta Rd, Stanmore
(between Percival & Johnson Sts, Opposite Annandale St)
Donation: $10
Limited Seating
Book Now by calling 02 9518 1340 or for more information email your details to
228 Parramatta Rd, Stanmore
(between Percival & Johnson Sts, Opposite Annandale St)
Donation: $10
Limited Seating
Book Now by calling 02 9518 1340 or for more information email your details to
These are some very relevant recent news article about who's being paid by whom and what is happening at the moment with the new ADHD Guidelines being put through Parliament.,22606,24660999-5006301,00.html
Let us know if you are coming, as everyone attending will receive an ADD information Audio CD, I look forward to seeing you there.