Friday, November 28, 2008

An information evening on ADD, ADHD and how you can be responsible for your Children's Healthy Future!

I have been invited to speak at the next meeting at CCHR and this is a little about the organization, what they're committed to and what you'll learn on the night.

Citizens Commission on Human Rights is an
organization dedicated to investigating and exposing Psychiatric violations to Human Rights

Children, ADHD & Psychotropic Drugs: WHAT ARE THE ALTERNATIVES?

Guest Speakers:
nce Billing is a father and a director in a company that is committed to Healthy Homes, Healthy Families and a Healthy Environment. He will speak about how you can take control of your life and environment to help yourself and your children. He will provide testimonies from parents who have successfully helped their children with these methods.

Mark Andrews - Naturopath has successfully helped children in his practice who have been diagnosed with ADHD. He will tell us how he has done this and the success he has had.

Tuesday, 2nd December 7.30pm
228 Parramatta Rd, Stanmore
(between Percival & Johnson Sts, Opposite Annandale St)

Donation: $10

Limited Seating
Book Now by calling 02 9518 1340 or for more information email your details to

These are some very relevant recent news article about who's being paid by whom and what is happening at the moment with the new ADHD Guidelines being put through Parliament.,22606,24660999-5006301,00.html

Let us know if you are coming, as everyone attending will receive an ADD information Audio CD, I look forward to seeing you there.

Friday, November 21, 2008

New Healthy Homes Presentations available on the Leverage In Action Website!

Don't wait another moment click here and download the "Healthy Homes" and "Power of One" presentations so you can be in the running to win a part of $6000 from registering people into your Neways Team!
You can now also download all of the specialized Healthy Homes Product Order Packs too from

Make the next 90 days the best yet!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Flea Treatments for Dogs Using Aromatherapy!

Not only can we avoid Harmful chemicals on ourselves, but we can also take care of "MAN'S BEST FRIEND"! I just received this today and I know you dog lovers will appreciate it!

Dogs are REALLY sensitive to essential oils so I certainly would be very careful on the amounts used. The following are suggestions

Dog flea collar
Discontinue if sneezing or rash occurs
Mix the vinegar and essential oils together and place in a sealed plastic bag for 24 hours then place on dog collar, you will need to repeat approx every 3 weeks.
1 teaspoon cider vinegar
5 drops cedarwood
5 drops eucalyputs
5 drops lavender

Flea repellant
10ml sweet almond oil
10 drops lavender
4 drops cedarwood
Mix together and place on a cloth in the dogs bedding

Well there you go and of course Neways has everything you need!

Introducing Laurence & Heather Billing

Hello and Welcome to the Leverage In Action News Blog!

This is a real honor for us to be invited to contribute to this Blog site.

Heather and I have now been involved with Neways and Leverage In Action for just over 10 years, Wow...time flies! And it has been the best business decision we've made yet!

The things that give us the most joy, is the opportunity to contribute to other peoples lives and to do something to make a difference in the world. And you know what's really great is that we get paid substantially for doing it!

What we are most enthused by right now is the Neways Healthy Homes Initiative. We believe this to be the single greatest opportunity for rapid growth in the history of Neways! Why? Because it's at the Heart of what is needed and wanted in today's World. Healthy Homes, Healthy Environment, Healthy Conscience, and Healthy Finances, and interestingly in my opinion, in the correct order!

Well, make the most of now, and remember...
"You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
Mohandas Gandhi

We look forward to updating you again soon!