Friday, December 18, 2009

VIDEO: Flu vaccine to include swine flu

VIDEO: Flu vaccine to include swine flu

Click on this link and learn just what is going on with the Swine Flu Vaccine now...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

CSL profits from National rollout as swine flu vaccine approved

Excerpt from The Age 18 September 2009

Ms Roxon was unable to put a precise figure on the cost of the vaccine.

"There are some confidentiality issues. We have a private contractual agreement with CSL for the priority provision for this vaccine," she said.

"I have made clear on the record before that it is over $100 million. It is not appropriate for us to be itemising the exact cost, given the commercial interests that are also at stake."


Swine Flu - Why the media needs to ask more questions

Sunday, July 26th, 2009 - For Immediate Release:

Swine Flu Fact Sheet:
The only way to conquer fear is with information

Governments around the world are scrambling to find a solution to the potential problems that may be caused by the current H1N1 'swine flu' pandemic. From its origins in Mexico in April of this year, the panic caused by this virus - a hybrid of viral DNA from pigs, birds and humans - has grown to the point where logic and science have been forgotten in a mad race to do 'something' about this situation.

There is an adage that states, those who forget the lessons of history are doomed to repeat them. In an effort to keep us from making the same mistakes we have in the past - mistakes which have been extremely costly in terms of financial burden and lives lost or health damaged - the Australian Vaccination Network has tried to gather together information to help you to ask the questions you need to find answers to and the knowledge necessary to make intelligent decisions about the swine flu vaccine. It is also an excellent idea to download the flyer from Pandemic Flu online. This web site is a great resource of constantly updated information on this topic.

Between 1918 and 1920, immediately after World War I, it is estimated that as many as 50 million people around the world may have died from Swine Flu. Most of those whose deaths were attributed to influenza - 95% and more - did not die from the flu but were victims of bacterial pneumonia - an easily treatable illness for which antibiotics are very effective.(1) Had this outbreak occurred today rather than almost 100 years ago, the mortality and morbidity statistics would have been very different.

In addition, the strain of flu which was in circulation at that time was completely different to the strain we are seeing now.

In 1976, a soldier at Fort Dix NJ (USA), Private Lewis, left his sick bed to go on a forced march - and collapsed and died from what was diagnosed at the time as swine flu. Initially, it was thought that up to 500 other soldiers at Fort Dix had also contracted the disease. That figure was revised down to 4 confirmed cases with no other deaths. In fact, there were no other cases reported anywhere else in the world.(2)

Only one person died of swine flu in 1976, but more than 4,000 were seriously injured by the vaccine with 25 confirmed deaths. That vaccine, like the current shot, was rushed through without proper testing. The result was more than $3.5 billion in compensation claims in the US - and this is for a vaccination campaign which was cut short only 10 weeks after it started which was meant to protect against an outbreak which never occurred. The only outcome to this vaccination campaign was a large number of permanently injured citizens and an enduring distrust of influenza vaccinations.(3,4)

The story today
Prior to April of this year, nobody had heard of the H1N1 swine flu. Having gone through several scares over the past decade with other influenza viruses which were claimed to have the potential to kill or seriously injure millions around the world (SARS and Avian Influenza), the world's populations could have been excused for greeting this new outbreak with more then a touch of scepticism.

In fact, if there is a pandemic of this virus, it is very possible - some think even likely - that it is a man-made pandemic. Australian researcher, Adrian Gibbs, one of the researchers who created the influenza drug, Tamiflu, has stated that his investigations have indicated that this is a laboratory-created virus which has escaped into the population.(5) This hypothesis is of interest since the initial outbreak in Mexico City started in close proximity to Baxter Labs' vaccine facility.(6)

Baxter is now infamous for shipping batches of human influenza vaccines which had been contaminated with live Avian influenza (bird flu) virus to 18 European countries.(7) It was only due to the excellent due diligence of a lab in the Czech republic that this contamination was discovered prior to the vaccine being administered to millions of people. Had that occurred, we might now be looking at a pandemic of bird flu rather than swine flu.

How many cases - how many deaths?

Despite a very low mortality rate (to date, there have been less than 500 confirmed H1N1 deaths worldwide compared with between 500,000 to 1,000,000 deaths each year (8) which human influenza is credited with causing) and evidence suggesting that H1N1 causes very mild illness, the World Health Organisation raised the pandemic risk level to its highest possible point - level 6 - and governments around the world are pledging tens of billions of dollars to rush through an untested vaccine.

The tests being used to diagnose H1N1 are giving far too many false positive results (9) and what's worse, doctors are not submitting samples to laboratories for testing. Anyone with flu-like symptoms is now assumed to have H1N1 swine flu - a decision which has increased the number of cases exponentially.(10,11)

Swine flu vaccination - a shot in the dark
Influenza vaccines are among the most ineffective shots in the vaccine armoury. In healthy adults, the estimates of effectiveness range from a low of 0% to a high of 96% - depending on the study. In the elderly and immune-suppressed, the figures seem to hover at between 21 and 25% effective. In addition, some influenza vaccines still contain mercury in the form of thiomersal while the new swine flu vaccines are being made with novel, oil-based adjuvants which have been linked in the past with severe long-term neurological and other adverse health effects.

These vaccines are not being properly tested and in fact, the vaccine manufacturers have been indemnified against litigation so even if you or your child has a bad reaction, the company that made and profited from the shots will not be held responsibly - morally, ethically or financially.(12)

Despite the lack of information about these vaccine's safety or effectiveness, it is planned that every man, woman and child will be vaccinated - both here in Australia and overseas. In fact, the first targets for these needles will be pregnant women and children.

This vaccine - like all vaccines - has never been evaluated for its effect on developing foetuses. In addition, if we follow the lead of the United States, when this vaccine is administered to children, it will mean 4 additional shots in one year for kids - 2 of the human influenza vaccine - 2 of the swine flu. Our children will now be facing in excess of 60 vaccines before they reach school age if 4 annual flu shots are added to the childhood vaccination schedule.

Will it be compulsory?
On July 14th, the Rudd Government ordered 21 million doses of the totally untested swine flu vaccine - enough for everyone currently living in Australia.(13) It is the contention of the Australian Vaccination Network (AVN) that the only reason they would buy this many vaccines is because it is their intention for all of them to be used. That would mean making the vaccination compulsory.

While we support everyone's right to choose vaccination should they wish to - we firmly believe that no medical procedure - least of all one which has such a long track record of ineffectiveness and risk - should ever be mandated. People must be able to choose not to get the vaccine if that is their wish. Should the government require it, we do not object to mandatory home quarantine in the event of a true epidemic breaking out.

It will be up to each of us to ensure that our rights and the rights of our children and loved ones are protected and that no vaccination is ever made compulsory. For further information about actions you can take to protect your rights and to stay informed about the current swine flu situation, please visit the AVN's web page on pandemic influenza - or subscribe to our blog -


1-Children's hospital study links deaths to post-flu issues -
2-Swine Flu Vaccine Warning - CBS News, 60 Minutes - Part 1; - Part 2;
3-The Flawed 1976 National "Swine Flu" Influenza Immunisation Program by the Suburban Emergency Management Project -
4-Swine Flu debacle of 1976 is recalled - the Los Angeles Times -
5- Swine Flu May Be Lab Error: Aussie Researcher; The Age newspaper;
6-Baxter Pharmaceutical Plant in Mexico- Ground Zero for Flu Outbreak -
7-Baxter Sent Bird Flu Virus to European Labs by Error - Bloomberg News
8-Science, Vol 293, 7 September 2001 p 1729
9-Unreliable Swine Flu Test Leaves Doubt - The Melbourne Age -
10-Swine flu fears rise as death toll grows in Britain - The Australian Newspaper -
11-Swine Flu: Alert; not yet alarmed - Armidale Express -
12-Legal immunity set for swine flu vaccine makers -
13-Officials Order 21 Million Vaccine Doses - Prime News -

About Australian Vaccination Network, Inc.

The AVN is a non-profit, volunteer-run charitable association. Since 1994, the AVN has provided information and support to the general community who are trying to make informed choices about vaccination and health. Their lobbying in Federal Parliament has ensured that compulsory vaccination for children has not come to pass and they are the major reporters of vaccine adverse reactions to ADRAC (The Adverse Drug Reactions Advisory Committee).

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Car socialism alive and well

Extracted in it's entirety from a media release I received today.

Once upon a time, there was a country whose government had decided in all its wisdom that it was going to be good at making cars. It designed precisely one model and started producing it. And it kept building this car for three decades. There was so much demand for the car that people added their children’s names to the waiting lists at birth. Or was it just that production was so inefficient?
The car in question was, of course, the infamous East German Trabant. Notoriously unreliable, uncomfortable, and hopelessly out of date even at the time it was introduced, it became the clearest demonstration that governments should stay out of the car industry.
The sort of communism that brought the world cars like the Trabant has long gone, the Soviet bloc has disappeared, but we still have politicians who think they are the better car managers.
The latest politician is none other than US President Barack Obama.
This week the US government announced its support for little-known car manufacturer Fisker. The company will receive more than half a billion US dollars in subsidised loans to build a hybrid sports car.
Never mind that at a retail price of US$89,000 the car will be out of reach of most consumers. Ignore the fact that sports cars are not really green cars. And forget that Fisker does not have much experience in building cars anyway.

What matters more than a viable business plan in these days of reborn socialism are your political connections. Or was it just a strange coincidence that one of Fisker’s top investors is former US Vice President Al Gore? It doesn’t hurt that his quest to save the world from climate change is incidentally helping fill his coffers with taxpayer cash.
The socialism of times past we have buried, but its flawed ideas are still haunting us from its grave.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Creating Magic Club!

Peter Anton bought a new Camera while he was in Malaysia with Marie-France on the Freedom For Life Malaysian Tour!
We got to hear all the news from their time there.

Also, give us a call if you'd like them to speak with any of your Hong Kong contacts as they are flying to Hong Kong on the 25th September for the official opening of the Neways Office on the 26th September.

In this Photo is Jennifer & Rob Cleary, Bev Lovell, Heather & Myself, Keith & Carole Osborne, Paola Cattuzatto, Paul Briody, Francis Chastin, Vera Tankina and Marie-France Garon. Some of the attendee's had already gone before the photo, but what a great night we had...thanks again Marie-France and Peter for having us over.

August Creating Magic Award Winners Carole & Keith Osborne

with Robert & Jennifer Cleary at Peter & Marie-France's home.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Daniel's First Car!

It's amazing to watch the excitement Daniel had for his new SLR. He wouldn't let it go!

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It's Book Week!

Mum's & Dad's across Australia this week have been busy making outfits for the Book Parades! Renee - the Cow & friend Jack - the Spider!

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Monday, August 24, 2009

The Future is in ur Hands!

R U doing what u can to preserve & protect the Planet for out Children?Can u do more?

- Posted using

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Vaccination Myths and Truths By Stephen Lendman

"No one should voluntarily or otherwise take any vaccine, let alone one as untested and dangerous as for H1N1. But make no mistake. The dominant global media are readying a high intensity fear-mongering campaign to convince the unwary to jeopardize their health and well-being by doing it. Just say NO!!"

Vaccination Myths and Truths
By Stephen Lendman

(The Intelligence Daily) -- Alan G. Philips is an attorney with the following credentials:

-- he's one of the few American lawyers whose practice includes vaccine exemption and waiver issues;

-- he advises other attorneys seeking help for their own clients on vaccine exemptions;

-- he co-founded Citizens for Healthcare Freedom (CHF) as "a grassroots, nonprofit organization supporting an exciting new Consumer Health Freedom Act in North Carolina" where he lives and practices law;

-- he "may be the only attorney in the US with a website dedicated to vaccine exemptions" -;

-- he authored "The Authoritative Guide to Vaccine Legal Exemptions;" and

-- he's written numerous articles and publications on vaccinations and immunizations, including "Dispelling Vaccination Myths: An Introduction to the Contradictions Between Medical Science and Immunization Policy," published in 1996 and most recently updated in 2007.

Given the possibility of universally mandated untested, experimental, toxic, and extremely dangerous Swine Flu vaccinations this fall, Philips' work is especially relevant and vital.

In its entirety, it can be purchased at A brief account follows below, focusing on 10 myths and truths he explains plus some additional information. More than ever, information is vital for protection against vaccines that can cause annoying to life-threatening autoimmune diseases, even the illnesses they're designed to prevent.

Of special concern is their affect on children. In America and elsewhere, they're over-immunized enough to destroy their immune systems, leaving them vulnerable to a lifetime of serious health disorders.

No one should voluntarily or otherwise take any vaccine, let alone one as untested and dangerous as for H1N1. But make no mistake. The dominant global media are readying a high intensity fear-mongering campaign to convince the unwary to jeopardize their health and well-being by doing it. Just say NO!!

In America, laws in place empower the Health and Human Services and/or Defense secretaries to declare a national emergency and order mass vaccinations. Legally, individual states can resist, but not likely when enough pressure is applied.

Under the proposed, but not enacted, October 2001 Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (MSEHPA), states are advised on how to exercise extraordinary emergency powers without regard to civil liberties issues. Individual ones have adopted some of its provisions and may add more later given the power of Washington and the media to force them.

The WHO is also empowered under the 2005 International Health Regulations (IHR) to address but not mandate global vaccinations. But it has enough influence to compel nations to go along in case of a "declared" pandemic threat, even without evidence to prove one.

Suspicious H1N1's Origins

On April 24, AP reported that"

"Health officials are investigating a never-before-seen form of the flu that combines pig, bird and human viruses.... (It's) a growing medical mystery because it's unclear how (affected people) caught the virus. None (of seven cited had) contact with pigs." Nor had others reportedly affected in other US cities.

The "intercontinental" mixture included North American Swine Flu, North American Avian Flu, human H1N1 flu, and a fourth H3N2 strain found in Asia and Europe.

Suspicions about a synthetic laboratory-made virus have surfaced. Writing in, Dr. Russell Blaylock quoted an unnamed viroligist saying: "Where the hell it got all these genes we don't know." According to Blalock: "Debate continues over the possibility that swine flu is a genetically engineered virus."

Dallas County Medical Director Dr. John Carlo voiced concern about the possibility that:

"This strain of swine influenza (may have been) cultured in a laboratory....something that's not been seen anywhere actually in the United States and the world...."

Recently interviewed on Russia Today TV, investigative journalist Wayne Madsen cited a University of Wisconsin lab conducting joint influenza vaccine research with drug company FluGen. On March 24, Reuters reported that:

"FluGen, Inc., an emerging leader in the development, production and delivery of influenza vaccines and related products, today announced it has secured exclusive rights to a novel, patent-protected vaccine-delivery technology (that) painlessly delivers seasonal and pandemic influenza vaccines."

Madsen believes "the Swine Flu virus began in a lab," the objective being profits for vaccine makers with products "that may not actually be safe." Many noted experts share that view about all vaccines.

NutriMedical founder Dr. William Deagle reported that 6-8% of Swine Flu DNA matches no virus on record. He believes more lethal strains may appear in the fall.

Project Camelot "provide(s) a vehicle for researchers and whistleblowers to get their stories out." Interviewed on its Whistleblower Radio show, Burk Elder Hale claimed that a senior drug company biochemist (unnamed to protect him) told him:

" aerosoled precursor has been put into the air and almost everyone has breathed it into their lungs. (When Swine Flu) vaccines (are) administered in the fall, (they'll) be activated when (their) constituents come into contact with the aerosoled precursor in the body and will cause a rapid spread of the H1N1 influenza A virus. The biochemist is very upset about the matter....and is a very reliable source that needs our utmost protection."

Catherine Austin Fitts is a former high-level US government official and Wall Street insider. She's now the editor of and runs Solari, Inc. as an "online media company focusing on ethical investment and preserving family wealth."

Admitting she's no expert, she wrote this about Swine Flu on July 22:

"I believe one of the goals of the swine flu vaccine is depopulation. Perhaps it is the goal of a swine flu epidemic as well, whether bio-warfare or hype around a flu season....Lowering immune systems and increasing toxicity levels combined with poor food, water and terrorizing stress will help do the trick....a plague can so frighten and help control people that they will accept the end of their current benefits....without objection. And a plague with proper planning can be highly profitable. Whatever the truth (about) swine flu and related can be used (to) control (a) situation that is quickly shifting out of control."

"In short, an epidemic can be used to offset the inflation of capital with increasing deflation of the value and income of labor and continual demand destruction. (What's coming next is the) meaner face of 'the establishment against the rest of society.' "

The possibility of a diabolical depopulation scheme can't be dismissed. The idea's been around for decades, including from the 1974 Henry Kissinger project - National Security Study Memorandum 200 (NSSM 200). It was backed by Rockefeller interests to cull the world population of useless feeders so corporate giants could exploit world resources unimpeded.

Kissinger's scheme was to make birth control a prerequisite for US aid. He wanted the annual death rate doubled and for a population decline in the hundreds of millions by 2000. Poor third world women in countries like Brazil were involuntarily sterilized. Millions were harmed then. Perhaps today's toll from mandatory global Swine Flu vaccinations will be billions.

Yet US laws were passed to prevent it. In 1986, the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) required:

-- giving parents written information on vaccine benefits and risks so they could decide on what was safe for their children;

-- maintaining a permanent record of all vaccines given children, including producer names and lot numbers;

-- keeping up to date medical records of all vaccinations given children; and

-- recording all serious health problems after vaccinations were administered and notifying the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) immediately.

At issue is whether federal laws and constitutional and Nuremberg protections will help. Nuremberg requires voluntary consent with full disclosure of known risks and avoidance of experimental treatments if there's any reason to believe harm may result. The Fifth Amendment protects against abusive government authority in stating that "No person deprived of life, liberty or property, without due process of law...." The Eighth Amendment prohibits "cruel and unusual punishments." Harming human health is cruel and abusive. Mandating suspect drugs violates Nuremberg, the US Constitution, and other protective laws. Whether they'll be enforced is another matter.

Dispelling Vaccination Myths with Truths

Myth No. 1: Vaccines are safe

Under the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Reporting System) was established. Annually, it reports about 11,000 serious vaccine reactions, including up to 200 deaths and many more permanent disabilities.

Far more alarming is the following;

-- the FDA estimates that only 1% of serious adverse reactions are reported;

-- CDC says it's 10%;

-- medical school students testified before Congress that they're told not to report these incidents;

-- according to the National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), only one in 40 New York doctors reported adverse vaccine reactions or deaths;

-- international studies show vaccines cause up to 10,000 US SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) deaths annually, and at least half of them are from vaccines;

-- another study determined that 3000 US children die annually from vaccines;

-- poor reporting in America suggests that annual adverse vaccine reactions, in fact, number from 100,000 - one million;

-- since 1988, the government's National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (NVICP) paid families of affected children $1.2 billion in damages;

-- as authorized by the 2006 Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, HHS Secretary Sebelius, granted drug companies legal immunity (except for impossible to prove willful misconduct) to proliferate dangerous, untested Swine Flu vaccines globally;

-- vaccines are legally mandated in all 50 US states, though legally avoidable in most (under normal circumstances) as explained below;

-- in settling vaccine damage suits, drug companies impose gag orders to keep vital information from the public; and

-- insurers refuse to cover adverse vaccine reactions because of the high potential liability they'd face.

Truth No. 1

Vaccinations cause high numbers of severe reactions, permanent disabilities, and deaths as well as an enormous personal and public cost. Virtually none of this gets reported.

Myth No. 2: Vaccines are very effective

Medical literature documents significant numbers of vaccine failures for measles, mumps, small pox, pertussis, polio and Hib-causing bacterial meningitis and pneumonia. In 1989, Oman experienced a widespread polio outbreak six months after completing a population-wide immunization program. In Kansas (in 1986), 90% of 1300 reported pertussis cases were "adequately vaccinated," and 72% of Chicago pertussis incidents in 1993 had been as well.

Truth No. 2

Evidence shows that vaccinations are an unreliable and dangerous way to prevent illness and disease.

Myth No. 3: Low US disease rates are attributable to vaccines

From 1850 - 1940, well before mandatory vaccination programs, the British Association for the Advancement of Science reported a 90% decrease in childhood diseases due to improved sanitation and hygiene practices. By 1945, US medical authorities noted a 95% drop in deaths from the leading childhood infectious diseases (diphtheria, pertussis, scarlet fever and measles), well before mass-immunizations began.

A recent WHO report found that third world disease and mortality rates had no direct correlation with immunization programs, but closely relate to hygiene and diet standards.

Truth No. 3

No evidence links vaccines with infectious disease declines. Proper hygiene and diet practices may be far more effective.

Myth No. 4: Sound immunization theory and practice prove the effectiveness of vaccines

Although vaccines stimulate antibody production, no evidence suggests that alone assures immunity. A 1950 British Medical Council-published study found no relationship between antibody count and disease incidence. Natural immunization involves many bodily organs and systems. Artificially producing antibodies can't achieve it.

Research also shows how squalene adjuvants harm the human immune system, making it susceptible to numerous illnesses and diseases ranging from very annoying to life threatening. In addition, the "herd immunity" notion of mass-immunizations effectiveness is largely discredited. Just the opposite is true as evidence shows that fully vaccinated populations have experienced epidemics numerous times in the past.

Further, vaccine effectiveness "remains scientifically unproven" because no double blind studies have been conducted to do it. Significantly, recent disease outbreaks have affected more vaccinated children than unvaccinated ones. And the common practice of "one size fits all" is troublesome. It lets tiny new-borns get the same dosage as a five year old. It tolerates dubious quality control practices producing what's known as "Hot Lots" - ones associated with disproportionately high death and disability rates.

Shockingly, the FDA refuses to act preventatively against them. In fact, individual vaccine lots have almost never been recalled even when associated with severe adverse reactions. Instead, they're administered under the assumption that all recipients respond the same, regardless of race, ethnicity, genetic makeup, or other characteristics.

A recent New England Journal of Medicine-reported study found that a significant number of Romanian children receiving polio vaccine contracted the disease. Evidence linked antibiotic injections to it. One innoculation raised the polio risk eight-fold; two - nine shots, 27-fold, and 10 or more 182-fold.

New research may reveal other unknown hazards, but public safety won't be addressed until government health officials act responsibly, report accurately, and adequately protect their populations from vaccines they never should allow.

Truth No. 4

Many supposed vaccine truths have, in fact, been proved false.

Myth No. 5: Childhood diseases are extremely dangerous

False. Even CDC data show a 99.8% pertussis recovery rate during the 1992-94 period. One Cincinnati Children's Hospital infectious diseases expert said at the time: "The disease was very mild, no one died, and no one went to the intensive care unit."

Nearly always, childhood infectious diseases "are benign and self-limiting. They usually impart lifelong immunity, whereas vaccine-induced immunization (when achieved) is only temporary." In fact, it can increase vulnerability later on by postponing better tolerated childhood illnesses until adulthood when death rates (though still low) are far higher.

Most important is that nearly all common infectious diseases are rarely dangerous, and, in fact, can develop strong, healthy adult immune systems when they're most needed. In addition, few people know that children who didn't contract measles have a higher incidence of skin diseases, degenerative bone and cartilage ones, and tumors while ovarian cancer is higher among mumps-free adult women. The human immune system benefits from common childhood infectious diseases. Freedom from them may be harmful later on.

Truth No. 5

Childhood disease dangers are greatly exaggerated to scare parents into getting their children vaccinated with unsafe drugs.

Myth No. 6: Polio vaccinations were very successful

False again. In 1955, when the Salk vaccine was introduced, polio was considered the most serious post-war public health problem. A year later, six New England states reported sharp rises ranging from more than double in Vermont to a 642% increase in Massachusetts. Other states also were badly impacted enough for Idaho and Utah to halt immunizations due to increased incidence and death rates.

In his 1962 congressional testimony, Dr. Bernard Greenberg, Biostatistics Department head at the University of North Carolina, reported sharp polio increases from 1957 to 1959 and a Public Health Service whitewash that suppressed it. In 1985, the CDC reported that 87% of US cases between 1973 and 1983 were caused by the vaccine. Later it added that it caused nearly all imported cases, and most of the victims were fully vaccinated.

Further, misdiagnosing, poor reporting, and cover-ups suggest that the actual number of vaccine-associated paralytic polio (VAPP) cases "may be 10 to 100 times higher than that cited by the CDC."

In 1977, even Jonas Salk admitted that mass inoculations caused most polio cases since 1961.

Truth No. 6

The Salk vaccine proved highly dangerous. Information about it was suppressed, and declines in the disease were well underway when mass-immunizations were begun. In Europe, they occurred in countries that used, then rejected the vaccine proving it was never needed in the first place. Showing also that the same is true for other diseases, including Swine Flu with the WHO and CDC admitting that most cases are mild, unthreatening, and generally pass without treatment, let alone risking dangerous unneeded vaccines.

Myth No. 7: Lack of an initial adverse reaction proves vaccines are safe

Documented long-term health problems include arthritis, chronic headaches, rashes indicative of disease, non-healing skin lesions, seizures, autism, anemia, multiple sclerosis, ALS, cancer, and many others. Ingredients common to all vaccines are at issue. Squalene adjuvants are a biological time bomb that can harm or destroy the human immune system.

Other ingredients are known toxicants and carcinogens, including thimersol (a mercury derivative), aluminum phosphate, formaldehyde, phenoxyethanol, and numerous gastrointestnal toxicants like liver toxicants, cardiovascular and blood toxicants, and reproductive toxicants. "Chemical ranking systems rate many vaccine ingredients among the most hazardous substances" known, even in microscopic doses.

"Millions of children (and adults) are partaking in an enormous crude experiment, and no sincere, organized effort is being made to track the negative side effects or to determine the long-term consequences."

Dr. Bart Classen's epidemiological research found vaccines as the cause of 79% of insulin type I diabetes cases in children under 10. The sharp rise in numerous other diseases may also be linked with mass-immunizations. California's autism rate skyrocketed 1000% in the last 20 years. In the 1990s, MMR vaccine usage in Britain (for measles, mumps and rubella) occurred at the same time autism rose sharply. The January 2000 Journal of Adverse Drug Reactions reported that no adequate testing was done, so the vaccine never should have been licensed.

The Autism Society says: "Autism is a complex developmental disability that typically appears during the first three years of life and is the result of a neurological disorder that affects the normal functioning of the brain...."

According to the CDC and National Vaccine Information Center, one in every 150 US children develop the disease. Tens of millions are affected worldwide, making it more common than pediatric cancer, incurable type 1 (juvenile-onset) diabetes and AIDS combined. In the early 1940s, prior to mass immunizations, autism was so rare that few doctors ever encountered it. Today it's a global pandemic.

Truth No. 7

Long-term vaccination reactions have been suppressed and ignored in spite of the alarming correlation between their use and the rise of autoimmune and other diseases. Vaccines aren't for protection. They're for profit and other nefarious purposes. Avoiding them is essential to protecting human health and well-being.

Myth No. 8: Vaccines are the only available disease prevention option

"Historically, homeopathy has proven many times...more effective than allopathic (conventional) medicine in the treatment and prevention of disease." During the 1849 US cholera outbreak, homeopathic hospitals documented a 3% death rate compared to 48 - 60% in conventional ones. It's as true today, and recent epidemiological studies show homeopathic remedies far superior to vaccines in preventing diseases. They're safe, effective, and toxin and side effect-free, yet most insurers won't cover them.

Truth No. 8

Alternative treatments and remedies have been safe and effective for generations, yet the medical establishment and governments attack and spurn them.

Myth No. 9: "Vaccinations are legally mandated and unavoidable..."

All states require them. However, laws vary by state, legal exemptions exist, and all states offer one or more of the following:

-- all states allow medical exemptions for persons susceptible to adverse reactions; parents can cite this for their children based on family history;

-- 48 states offer religious exemptions but may require membership in an established religious organization; "according to federal precedent, personal religious beliefs may be sufficient for a religious exemption regardless of which religious organization you belong to, or whether or not you belong to an organized religion at all;" in addition, the Supreme Court defined religion broadly for legal purposes; and

-- 17 states allow philosophical or personal exemptions.

All public and private schools must comply with federal and state vaccination laws and permit legal exemptions.

Truth No. 9

Some vaccines are mandated, but most, perhaps all, US citizens may use legal exemptions to avoid them. In a recent article, however, Phillips states:

"All non-medical exemptions in the US are ultimately provided conditionally. That is, states have the right to require immunization for everyone, legally exempt or not, during an (emergency) outbreak, other than (for) those" with medical exemptions.

Myth No. 10: Governments place public health concerns above all others

Vaccination history shows "documented instances of deceit portraying vaccines as mighty disease conquerors, when in fact vaccines have had little or no discernible impact - or have even delayed or reversed - pre-existing disease declines....Conflicts of interest are the norm in the vaccine industry." Government agencies like the FDA and CDC are stacked with corporate officials who return to high-paying industry jobs provided they place profit considerations over public health and safety.

In November 2000, concern over this and adverse reactions got the American Association of Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) to pass a unanimous resolution at its 57th meeting calling for a moratorium on mandatory childhood vaccinations and for doctors to insist on "truly informed consent for (their) use...."

In October 1999, Dr. Bart Classen, founder and CEO of Classen Immunotherapies, told Congress:

"It is clear....that the government's immunization policies are driven by politics and not by science. I can give numerous examples where employees of the US Public Health Service....appear to be furthering their careers by acting as propaganda officers to support political agendas. In one case....employees of a foreign government, who were funded and working closely with the US Public Health Service, submitted false data to a major medical journal. The true data indicated the vaccine was dangerous; however, the false data" indicated no risk.

In addition, "four letters from the FDA/Public Health Service....clearly reveal(ed) that the anthrax vaccine" approved for US military personnel was done "without the manufacturer performing a single controlled clinical trial." They're essential to determine safety and effectiveness. Failure to conduct them proved devastating to the health and well-being of recipients and still does today. Besides, all vaccines are unsafe and some are extremely dangerous.

US military forces receive many or all of the following vaccinations:

-- three shots for hepatitis B;

-- two for hepatitis A;

-- annually for influenza so all military personnel will get Swine Flu shots;

-- all military personnel must have documented proof of receiving MMR vaccines for measles, mumps and rubella; those without them them get single doses;

-- two varicella (chicken pox) shots;

-- smallpox doses every ten years;

-- three for polio for adults never vaccinated; those fully vaccinated get a booster shot;

-- tetanus-diphtheria and pertussis vaccinations for personnel who haven't have them in the past 10 years;

-- tetanus every 10 years;

-- typhoid vaccinations in either oral or injectable forms;

-- a multiple dose series for anthrax;

-- yellow fever every 10 years in some cases;

-- three for rabies and later boosters;

-- tuberculosis screening and shots;

-- single pneumococcal doses;

-- meningococcal vaccinations every five years before deployment to certain regions; and

-- three Japanese encephalitis doses in some cases.

Multiple vaccinations for all US military personnel practically assures damage to their immune systems and severe health problems later on.

Truth No. 10

Public health officials approve dangerous vaccines on unsuspecting recipients and profit handsomely for their efforts.

Final Comments

All vaccines are biological weapons that weaken or destroy the human immune system. They often fail to protect against diseases they're designed to prevent and often cause them. The H1N1 vaccine is experimental, untested, toxic, extremely dangerous, and essential to avoid even if mandated.

In a December 1994 Medical Post article, Dr. Guylaine Lanctot said:

"The medical authorities keep lying. Vaccination has been a disaster on the immune system. It actually causes a lot of illnesses. We are actually changing our genetic code through vaccination....100 years from now we will know that the biggest crime against humanity was vaccines."

Dr. Viera Scheibner is internationally known as perhaps the leading expert on adverse

vaccine reactions. Her analysis concluded that "there is no evidence whatsoever of the ability of vaccines to prevent any diseases. To the contrary, there is a great wealth of evidence that they cause serious side effects."

Nonetheless, immunization programs proliferate because the profit potential is enormous despite growing numbers of reputable scientific figures citing concerns.

Currently, over 200 new vaccines are being developed "for everything from birth control to (curbing) cocaine addiction." Around half of them are in clinical trials using human guinea pigs putting their health and safety on the line unwittingly.

New delivery systems are also being developed that include nasal sprays, mosquitoes, and genetically engineered fruits containing vaccine viruses. With every country in the world a potential buyer, health and safety considerations are suppressed for the sake of profits. Unless somehow this madness is stopped, the harm to our children and society will be catastrophic.

Stephen Lendman is a Research Associate of the Centre for Research on Globalization. He lives in Chicago and can be reached at

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

The Wisdom of Jim Rohn

Skills/Sales by Jim Rohn

Don’t wish it was easier; wish you were better. Don’t wish for less problems; wish for more skills. Don’t wish for less challenges; wish for more wisdom.

You must either modify your dreams or magnify your skills.

You can cut down a tree with a hammer, but it takes about 30 days. If you trade the hammer for an ax, you can cut it down in about 30 minutes. The difference between 30 days and 30 minutes is skills.

The key to life is to become skillful enough to be able to do rewarding things.

Learn to hide your need and show your skill.

To succeed in sales, simply talk to lots of people every day. And here’s what’s exciting—there are lots of people!

Practice is just as valuable as a sale. The sale will make you a living; the skill will make you a fortune.

Selling is a person-to-person business. You cannot send the sales manual out to make the sale. Sales manuals have no legs and no voice.

In the sales profession the real work begins after the sale is made.

Sales people should take lessons from their kids. What does the word “no” mean to a child? Almost nothing.

Even if you are new in sales, you can make up in numbers what you lack in skills.

Monday, July 27, 2009


Laurence Billing has just read and signed the petition: A UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF RESISTANCE TO MANDATORY VACCINATIONS

You can view this petition at:

Message from Laurence Billing:

Hi, I just signed the petition "A UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF RESISTANCE TO MANDATORY VACCINATIONS". I'm asking you to sign this petition to help us reach our goal of 1,000,000,000 signatures. I care deeply about this cause, and I hope you will support our efforts.

----- provides tools and empowers individuals to make a difference and effect positive change through online activism. Get connected with the causes you care about, take action to make the world a better place, and start your own petition at! is powered by Care2, the largest and most trusted information and action site for people who care to make a difference in their lives and the world.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hmm, love that Pie!

How did we cope without these iPhone's? What did we do to capture these memories?

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Bruce Lee plays Ping Pong -- with Nunchucks

Amazing - this clip shows me what I am capable of, if i just set my mind to a task and work to master it!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Phillip’s Weekly Health Tip -

Ye Dreaded Swine Flu

As the panic mounts, governments across the world reassure a tremulous population that enough vaccine will be available for the multiple shots necessary to save yourself and your loved ones from the dreaded pig plague….

Haven’t we been here before?

Mike Adams reports: “The World Health Organization -- always a trusty friend of Big Pharma -- has announced that swine flu is "unstoppable" and is now directing all the nations of the world to vaccinate their citizens against the H1N1 influenza strain. This is essentially an order for global mandatory vaccinations.

And yet, at the same time the WHO is recommending mass global vaccinations against the swine flu, it also states on its own website that such vaccines have never been proven safe. In its own words (

[Emphasis added] "Since new technologies are involved in the production of some pandemic vaccines, which have not yet been extensively evaluated for their safety in certain population groups, it is very important to implement post-marketing surveillance of the highest possible quality. In addition, rapid sharing of the results of immunogenicity and post-marketing safety and effectiveness studies among the international community will be essential for allowing countries to make necessary adjustments to their vaccination policies."

Which translated means, the vaccine might turn you into Martian, ‘we just don’t know the implications yet’.

I’ve got a better idea. Why not get yourself healthy with a boosted immune system, since all flus are opportunistic and will afflict the vulnerable. I’m going to deal with this subject in more detail in next week’s EClub, but for now, those with low levels of Vitamin D should ensure they are tanked up. For more information, good sites to visit are, and You should aim for 5000ius a day of Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) if you are supplementing, though obviously it is better to obtain your Vit D naturally from the sun (do not burn).

Notice that very few newspaper reports are discussing other measures the population can take. It’s vaccines, vaccines, vaccines, and heavens, you’d better hope that Brown/Obama/Rudd get the stuff into the clinics in time or WE’RE FINISHED!!

Any virus will not thrive in a body with pronounced immunity, lots of antioxidant and anti-viral potential, and plenty of oxygen. Take sensible precautions and advise others to do the same. Keep properly hydrated with water and Himalayan salt. Regular exercise and intakes of vitamin C complex (half a teaspoon twice/three times a day in water) is good insurance, as is allicin, the stabilised extract of garlic, which is a renowned virus hunter (2 caps twice a day).




Friday, July 3, 2009

The Litter Muncher!

Renee's first roll in a musical! How cool! :-) she was totally in her element! A real performer!

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Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Hi All,

New legislation currently passing through Parliament will effectively make it illegal for Midwives to attend Homebirths as of July 2010, there is also a clause in this legislation that allows for women to be fine $30,000 for enticing a Midwife to attend her at home without insurance (there is no insurance available for home birth).
Please sign the petition on the Homebirth Australia website
even if you have never had, wanted, or been interested in Homebirth issues, please take a minute to think about this, it is about Womens right to Choice. It is a fundamental right to birth where, when and with whom they choose.

What people say about home birth

Both our children, Renee & Daniel were born at home, an experience which I will always cherish! Just think, we could have everything just the way we wanted it and our children were born into an environment which they were familiar with, not a stark, sterile, clinical, noisy place surrounded by strangers.

We support Homebirth Australia's work and if you'd like to learn more and speak to the midwife we had, then visit
-: Laurence & Heather Billing

I enjoyed giving birth to my second son in a birth pool. My birthing room was warm and candlelit and I was lovingly supported by my birthing team. This made me feel emotionally safe as I birthed my baby gently.

I would love Australian women to enjoy a water birth just as I did. I am surprised to hear that less than 5% of Australian women can choose warm water immersion for pain relief and for birth!

I strongly recommend that the medical system in Australia give women the choice to be able to use a warm water pool during labour, for deep relaxation and giving birth.

I support Homebirth Australia's work to enable all Australian women to choose where and with whom they share their intimate experience of birth.
-: Elle McPherson

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Prof. Peter Dingle talks Bacteria... on MixFM!

Prof. Peter Dingle shares why to avoid mainstream Laundry Powder!

What an amazing day we had in Sydney at the 2009 Neways Product University, I was asked by a number of people that were there on the day if i would share my notes and of course some of you weren't able to attend.

To give you an idea of what we heard...Did you know that by using the Neways Dishwasher powder and or detergent, you can help with irritable bowel and reflux problems because these leave no toxins behind on the dishes that we eat from.
And what about this startling piece of information from Dr Peter Dingle:

A study in Japan where mice were exposed daily to everyday washing powder had the following results:

100% of the mice embryos experienced haemorrhaging, 70% had spinal deformities, 40% had harelip 2% had brains protruding through or completely outside their skull and the male mice had reduced sperm count and damaged sperm.

Considering that we all use washing powder probably every day and that mothers wash their baby’s clothes very often, this is VERY disturbing information that we need to pass on.

So download the notes and read on...
if you have forgotten your User Id or Password, email me or Register Now for access to the site.

Monday, June 15, 2009

A Reminder - Neways Product University: Please distribute to your team

Hi Everyone
Last year, thousands of Distributors around Australia attended the Neways Product University and said, "The information was invaluable. Can we please have the event again in 2009?"
We agreed.
The line-up of speakers for this year's event is again first class. Wayne Reilly, Eris Watkins, Hayley Wallace and Dr Peter Dingle will give you brilliant hints and tips on how to get the most out of using your Neways products and live in a healthier home. I am also sure there will be a lot of information you won't have heard anywhere else before.
I would personally like to extend an invitation to you and say that I know the investment of your time and money will be well worth it.
Last weekend in New Zealand, Dr Peter Dingle spoke for Neways to rave reviews. Wayne Reilly recently spoke in Perth. With only 72 hours' notice to the event, the room was filled with people. They are still talking about how good it was. Eris has an absolute wealth of knowledge about Neways products and a vast amount of experience using them; you won't want to miss her talk. Last but not least, Hayley, a health practitioner, has discovered just how good Neways products are and is happy to share her knowledge with you.
Please register online as soon as possible to avoid disappointment. I am excited about the event and look forward to attending in Adelaide and getting all the 'good oil' the speakers have to share about Neways products and creating a healthier home.
Only nine more sleeps until the tour kicks off in Sydney on Monday, June 22; then it's on Tuesday, June 23 in Brisbane; Wednesday, June 24 in Melbourne; Thursday, June 25 in Adelaide; and Friday, June 26 in Perth.
Simply click <>
here to register.
Please note: Registrations close the day before each event unless sold out beforehand. To avoid disappointment, we would recommend registering now!
Andy Kirss
Managing Director


Friday, June 12, 2009

Marie-France sharing the power of our Non-Toxic Makeup!

Paola & Joanna have organized a Non-Toxic Makeup & Skincare Workshop on the 26th of June & they are inviting all there friends, because they are amazed with how beautiful this product is!

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Friday, May 29, 2009

Do you want to know how and why the Neways Roil works?

I have just listened again to Andrew Morrell's talk from Wednesday where he shared his story of how he was "dragged" into Neways and then learnt the value of being here… Andrew also shares how much can be saved by using Roil Gold in your Motor Vehicles, whether that be a Lawn Mower, Car, Truck or Bus.
An example he gives is of one of the 1500 trucks that uses the Neways Roil Gold across Australia that he supplies…
Detroit Series 60 14Litre
Kenworth T404st

Before Roil Gold
3months driving
83000km's = $48306 for fuel
Ave 1.89Km/l

After adding Roil Gold
3months Driving
83000km's = $45879 for fuel
Roil Gold cost 0.62c/km = $514
Saving = $1913 every 3 months = $7652/yr
Approx 5.5% improvement

This owner then went on to treat his fleet of 25 trucks for a total annual saving of
$191 300.00
So for that he is saving enough in fuel every year to pay for one truck. Wow!

Listen to the audio recording so you can hear which companies are using the Roil Gold. Click on or copy this link into your browser. if you don't have your user name or password yet or can't remember it, then click on "Register Now" and we will give you access.
You will find the link to the recording on the front page of the site listed under "News"

You'll be glad you listen to this talk because it shows clearly the possibilities available with the Roil Gold and Neways.

Best Regards,

Laurence & Heather

Friday, May 22, 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Leverage In Action Team meeting

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32 Girls Have Died

This is a very serious issue. I am passing this on to all of you so that you in turn can share this information with others to enable all women and girls to make an informed choice regarding the cervical cancer vaccine.


32 Girls Have Died

11,916 adverse events already reported to the CDC... and counting.

Pain and swelling. Life-threatening muscle weakness. Blood clots in the heart and lungs.

And the deaths of 32 innocent girls and young women.

You might think I'm talking about a deadly new disease or a global epidemic...

I'm not.

Sadly, it's more sinister than that. The health threats listed above have all been linked with Gardasil, the so-called "cervical cancer vaccine." And thanks to Pharma giant Merck, desperate parents and naive young women believe this vaccine saves lives... they couldn't be more wrong.

That's why HSI's Jenny Thompson has released a new video in which she exposes the deception for what it is...and reveals some truly shocking information no one else is talking about.

And you are the very first to see it.

Please, if you have daughters, granddaughters or friends who might be considering this terrible vaccine, you must watch this video. And please forward it to anyone you think would benefit from the vital information it contains.

If you think you know the whole story on Gardasil, I think you'll be shocked by what you're about to see. Just click here to start watching the video. It's just a few minutes long... and those few minutes might just save a young girl's life.

--MaryEllen Tribby
CEO & Publisher, Early to Rise

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Creating Magic Award - Paul Briody from NSW

Congratulations to Paul Briody from NSW
Creating Magic Award recipient for the month of March 09.

The Creating Magic Club meeting is on one Friday every month and is a special get together for sponsoring members and their guests.
It is a great opportunity to meet new members in a friendly, casual gathering; a night of fun & Inspiration.

Next Creating Magic Club will be held at Peter & Marie-France’s on Friday 15th May at 7.30pm
To attend, you must have qualified in the month of April by sponsoring at least 1 new member (min 150pv).

We look forward to see you and your new member on Friday.

Swine Flu - is it a hoax - some think on

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Regina Meredith

Swine Flu Hoax?

So who are the swine behind the swine flu? That's what I wanted to know.

Whenever I begin to see blaring headlines regarding the word “pandemic”, I make a call to Dr. Lorraine Day, the former chief of Orthopedic Surgery at USF. Not one to mince words, and a dogged researcher, I can count on Lorraine to give me the big picture behind the headlines. I made that call yesterday. Her first words, underscored with a hearty laugh, were “It’s just another hoax!”

Here’s the long and short of it according to Lorraine. First, the government is continuing on it’s path to incite panic so we will ideally demand to have protection from these ‘killer virus’ via vaccinations. This would help avert a less popular mandatory vaccination program, which is what the Elite would like to see happen. Lorraine is also quick to point out that truly noxious vaccines are being developed in laboratories that combine human and animal virus' that can seriously compromise our immune systems if we allow them to be administered to us.

Secondly, she said that the Center for Disease Control needed to move their stockpiles of the flu drug Tamiflu, which didn't make it out to the masses during the last panic, which was the 'bird flu'. I find it interesting that Tamiflu was supposedly created as the antidote to bird flu, but the CDC now says it actually works just fine for swine flu too. It would appear that the stuff is quite non-specific in nature for what is considered to be a very specific strain of flu. Hummm. Anyway, pharmacy chains such as CVC are now stocking up in preparation for the “pandemic”.

As an aside, it may not surprise you to know that former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is a major stockholder in Gilead Sciences, a California bio tech firm that owns the rights to Tamiflu. A CNN report from 2005, when we were were being threatened with the bird flu, put Rumsfeld’s holdings somewhere between $5,000,000 to $25,000,000. This is the same gentleman who brought us the excitotoxin Aspartame, now known to cause serious neurological problems in humans. But, less I digress.....

Lorraine went on to say that 12, 60, even 120 deaths from flu do not make a pandemic. More than 500,000 people a year die from various flu virus’. There are still active flu strains out there from all of the usual sources. In fact, it was just reported that 2 young people in the Sacramento area were tested to have been infected with the swine flu virus, but, no worries, they recovered from their flu in 24 hours. Sounds just like the flu that’s been going around through my friends and other acquaintances over the past few weeks in Sacramento.

To further the story, she said that Prince Charles recently pushed for the subject of Developmental Sustainability be pushed to the top of the G-20 agenda. Developmental Sustainability is the code word for de-population according to Dr. Day. As you may recall, Charles’ father, Prince Phillip, when asked what he would like to come back as if he had another life, said “A virus.” The idea was that he would then be able to kill off the useless members of society. What a gentleman.

In short, Lorraine says do not worry. Just do your body a favor by eating a good clean diet full of fresh vegetables and fruits, get some sunshine and fresh air, turn to your spiritual practice, relax and, under no circumstances, allow yourself to be vaccinated. We’re all exposed to flu bugs, but if you can keep your immune system strong, you have nothing to worry about and the only swine involved here are those who are trying to keep us in fear.

Bruce & Jeni Saunders

Wholistic Achievement

Evolving People Globally

Master Practitioner NLP & Matrix Therapies
NLP Prac Business, Mind & Emotional Matrix

Practitioner Prime Tuning of Cellular Vibrations

Remedial Massage Therapist

Independent Distributor Neways International
Ambassadors Car Qualified
mob/cell: Jeni 0418 420 807 Bruce 0428 420 807