Thursday, April 30, 2009

Neways Granted Islamic Certification for Dozens of Products!

SPRINGVILLE, UTAH (April 14, 2009)—

Neways is pleased to announce that the company has been certified by the Islamic Food and Nutrition Council of America (IFANCA) as providing dozens of products that meet Islamic dietary laws and customs. As part of the certification process, IFANCA representatives performed on-site inspections of Neways manufacturing facilities.

"We’re happy to better serve our Muslim customers," says Neways vice president of sales and marketing Jennifer Wolbers. "Because this certification reflects high standards of cleanliness and avoidance of questionable ingredients, all our members can take pride in the fact that so many of our products qualified for this designation. It reinforces our commitment to transforming homes into Neways Healthy Homes."

Known by the term halal, IFANCA certification verifies that designated Neways products are permissible and lawful for consumption by Muslims. Neways products certified as halal include numerous items in the categories of household, personal care, skin care, hair care, aromatherapy, baby care, dental, fitness, and sun care.

Halal regulations are almost 1,400 years old. With 1.5 billion Muslims in the worldwide population, about one out of every four human beings is a Muslim, the vast majority of whom observe halal regulations. "Halal certification is important to Muslim consumers," said an INFANCA representative. "It clears the doubt, saves them time on reading labels, and provides peace of mind and satisfaction."

IFANCA certifies over 7,000 products, including not only food items but also cosmetics, packaging materials, pharmaceuticals, and nutritional products.

About Neways

Neways is dedicated to helping families transform their homes into Healthy Homes. With dozens of safe, effective nutritional and personal care products that are free of questionable ingredients, the company has strived since 1992 to make the world a healthier place, one home at a time.

In addition to providing exclusive products, Neways enhances people’s lives with a home-based business opportunity. About half-a-million active Neways distributors share the products in 29 countries, with nearly half of the company’s annual revenues paid back to distributors as commissions.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Comments In Honor & Respect for Jim Rohn!

Please click on this photo of Jim Rohn and it will link you to a tribute video of this amazing Business Philosopher.
Then you will understand why I have said what I have in this letter of gratitude I sent to him today. I then invite you to watch the 3 video's that follow which give you the outline to "How to have your Best Year Ever"!

Wow, with all sincerity, now that my eyes can see and the tears are dry, I thank you Jim for the life you have breathed into me! Through your own words and the words of people like Jerry Clark, and many others who you have mentored, your life will live on for ever! Even today, my 19 yr old Nephew, Brentley is living and loving the philosophies from "How to Build a Network Marketing Business"!
Thank you for the opportunity to continue sharing these wonderful life-enhancing ideas!

God Bless you and may he deal kindly with you!

Love Laurence, Heather, Renee (5) & Daniel (17mths)

PS. please pass on our love and best wishes to Zig Ziglar, who without him I would not have started on the Journey of Life Enlargement and Growth, which led me to learn and listen to you Jim. With Regards, and Respect!

Friday, April 17, 2009

An answer to the Toxins in our Bathroom!

Now if you've watched the previous clip about the toxins that are found in our unborn babies and you'd like to know how you can do your bit in reducing your exposures to these toxins, then contact us for further information and we can direct you to someone in your area.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Why we must avoid Toxic Chemical in our Bathroom!

I received this today from Peter & Margie Dudley, people who have become close friends of ours, and when I first mentioned to them about Toxic Chemicals existing in Shampoo's etc, they literally asked me to leave their home.
We have changed their lives and because they now share our vision and mission to create 10 million Healthy Homes around the world free from Toxic chemicals, they have been able to change the lives of their friends and family both here in Australia, in South Africa and now spreading to other countries around the world!
Honestly, what other cause is more important then to prevent the toxic overload that's occurring in our unborn children...we have a choice, our children don't!

Forward this on and let people know there is a better alternative!
Come join us in getting this message out!

Kid-Safe Chemicals Act: 10 Americans
"Ten Americans": We all know pollution and toxins are bad for you. But the Environmental Working Group has conducted perhaps the deepest analysis of this issue on the most vulnerable demographic on the planet. Some shocking information in one of the most entertaining presentations of the conference. Ken Cook speaking on the Health plenary at Tides' Momentum 2008.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Master You Fear - Staying Positive in Tough Times!

I was just checking my Facebook account and found this clip that was sent to me by a friend from Belgium. It is quite amazing as it answers many of the questions I've been getting over the last few weeks from different people.

We now have an amazing opportunity! These times are when those that are focused on creating will receive abundantly... from every experience you can take a negative or a positive message... it's your choice! Choose wisely!