Friday, May 29, 2009

Do you want to know how and why the Neways Roil works?

I have just listened again to Andrew Morrell's talk from Wednesday where he shared his story of how he was "dragged" into Neways and then learnt the value of being here… Andrew also shares how much can be saved by using Roil Gold in your Motor Vehicles, whether that be a Lawn Mower, Car, Truck or Bus.
An example he gives is of one of the 1500 trucks that uses the Neways Roil Gold across Australia that he supplies…
Detroit Series 60 14Litre
Kenworth T404st

Before Roil Gold
3months driving
83000km's = $48306 for fuel
Ave 1.89Km/l

After adding Roil Gold
3months Driving
83000km's = $45879 for fuel
Roil Gold cost 0.62c/km = $514
Saving = $1913 every 3 months = $7652/yr
Approx 5.5% improvement

This owner then went on to treat his fleet of 25 trucks for a total annual saving of
$191 300.00
So for that he is saving enough in fuel every year to pay for one truck. Wow!

Listen to the audio recording so you can hear which companies are using the Roil Gold. Click on or copy this link into your browser. if you don't have your user name or password yet or can't remember it, then click on "Register Now" and we will give you access.
You will find the link to the recording on the front page of the site listed under "News"

You'll be glad you listen to this talk because it shows clearly the possibilities available with the Roil Gold and Neways.

Best Regards,

Laurence & Heather

Friday, May 22, 2009

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Leverage In Action Team meeting

- Posted using

32 Girls Have Died

This is a very serious issue. I am passing this on to all of you so that you in turn can share this information with others to enable all women and girls to make an informed choice regarding the cervical cancer vaccine.


32 Girls Have Died

11,916 adverse events already reported to the CDC... and counting.

Pain and swelling. Life-threatening muscle weakness. Blood clots in the heart and lungs.

And the deaths of 32 innocent girls and young women.

You might think I'm talking about a deadly new disease or a global epidemic...

I'm not.

Sadly, it's more sinister than that. The health threats listed above have all been linked with Gardasil, the so-called "cervical cancer vaccine." And thanks to Pharma giant Merck, desperate parents and naive young women believe this vaccine saves lives... they couldn't be more wrong.

That's why HSI's Jenny Thompson has released a new video in which she exposes the deception for what it is...and reveals some truly shocking information no one else is talking about.

And you are the very first to see it.

Please, if you have daughters, granddaughters or friends who might be considering this terrible vaccine, you must watch this video. And please forward it to anyone you think would benefit from the vital information it contains.

If you think you know the whole story on Gardasil, I think you'll be shocked by what you're about to see. Just click here to start watching the video. It's just a few minutes long... and those few minutes might just save a young girl's life.

--MaryEllen Tribby
CEO & Publisher, Early to Rise

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Creating Magic Award - Paul Briody from NSW

Congratulations to Paul Briody from NSW
Creating Magic Award recipient for the month of March 09.

The Creating Magic Club meeting is on one Friday every month and is a special get together for sponsoring members and their guests.
It is a great opportunity to meet new members in a friendly, casual gathering; a night of fun & Inspiration.

Next Creating Magic Club will be held at Peter & Marie-France’s on Friday 15th May at 7.30pm
To attend, you must have qualified in the month of April by sponsoring at least 1 new member (min 150pv).

We look forward to see you and your new member on Friday.

Swine Flu - is it a hoax - some think on

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Regina Meredith

Swine Flu Hoax?

So who are the swine behind the swine flu? That's what I wanted to know.

Whenever I begin to see blaring headlines regarding the word “pandemic”, I make a call to Dr. Lorraine Day, the former chief of Orthopedic Surgery at USF. Not one to mince words, and a dogged researcher, I can count on Lorraine to give me the big picture behind the headlines. I made that call yesterday. Her first words, underscored with a hearty laugh, were “It’s just another hoax!”

Here’s the long and short of it according to Lorraine. First, the government is continuing on it’s path to incite panic so we will ideally demand to have protection from these ‘killer virus’ via vaccinations. This would help avert a less popular mandatory vaccination program, which is what the Elite would like to see happen. Lorraine is also quick to point out that truly noxious vaccines are being developed in laboratories that combine human and animal virus' that can seriously compromise our immune systems if we allow them to be administered to us.

Secondly, she said that the Center for Disease Control needed to move their stockpiles of the flu drug Tamiflu, which didn't make it out to the masses during the last panic, which was the 'bird flu'. I find it interesting that Tamiflu was supposedly created as the antidote to bird flu, but the CDC now says it actually works just fine for swine flu too. It would appear that the stuff is quite non-specific in nature for what is considered to be a very specific strain of flu. Hummm. Anyway, pharmacy chains such as CVC are now stocking up in preparation for the “pandemic”.

As an aside, it may not surprise you to know that former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld is a major stockholder in Gilead Sciences, a California bio tech firm that owns the rights to Tamiflu. A CNN report from 2005, when we were were being threatened with the bird flu, put Rumsfeld’s holdings somewhere between $5,000,000 to $25,000,000. This is the same gentleman who brought us the excitotoxin Aspartame, now known to cause serious neurological problems in humans. But, less I digress.....

Lorraine went on to say that 12, 60, even 120 deaths from flu do not make a pandemic. More than 500,000 people a year die from various flu virus’. There are still active flu strains out there from all of the usual sources. In fact, it was just reported that 2 young people in the Sacramento area were tested to have been infected with the swine flu virus, but, no worries, they recovered from their flu in 24 hours. Sounds just like the flu that’s been going around through my friends and other acquaintances over the past few weeks in Sacramento.

To further the story, she said that Prince Charles recently pushed for the subject of Developmental Sustainability be pushed to the top of the G-20 agenda. Developmental Sustainability is the code word for de-population according to Dr. Day. As you may recall, Charles’ father, Prince Phillip, when asked what he would like to come back as if he had another life, said “A virus.” The idea was that he would then be able to kill off the useless members of society. What a gentleman.

In short, Lorraine says do not worry. Just do your body a favor by eating a good clean diet full of fresh vegetables and fruits, get some sunshine and fresh air, turn to your spiritual practice, relax and, under no circumstances, allow yourself to be vaccinated. We’re all exposed to flu bugs, but if you can keep your immune system strong, you have nothing to worry about and the only swine involved here are those who are trying to keep us in fear.

Bruce & Jeni Saunders

Wholistic Achievement

Evolving People Globally

Master Practitioner NLP & Matrix Therapies
NLP Prac Business, Mind & Emotional Matrix

Practitioner Prime Tuning of Cellular Vibrations

Remedial Massage Therapist

Independent Distributor Neways International
Ambassadors Car Qualified
mob/cell: Jeni 0418 420 807 Bruce 0428 420 807

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Creating Magic Award


Paul Briody in New South Wales and
Amanda Mason in Victoria

for achieving the
Creating Magic Award
for March 2009

Check out the Freedom For Life blog for photos!

Who will be next month's achievers?