Sunday, December 14, 2008

Leverage In Action End of Year Celebration!

Please call Marie-France Garon now and let her know if you are coming, and if you are, send us an email to advise us also.
Thank you,

We are thrilled to be able to invite you to join us at Peter Anton & Marie-France Garon's home in beautiful Monterey on the 20th December 2008!

Peter & Marie-France are who sponsored us into Neways and also are the Leaders of the Freedom for Life Team, which we all are a part of because we are members of the Leverage In Action Team. They invited us to join in with their End of Year Party this Year, and we think it'll be a lot of fun! Just look at the pool and surrounds! Wow, it looks really inviting hey!

So put the date in your Diary now and we'll see you there...And what a better way to start 2009 than to celebrate 2008 beside the pool with great friends on the 20th December! All team members and family are welcome from all around Australia and New Zealand.

Let us know if you're coming!


  1. Wow I love this Blog thing.
    What a great way to find out whats going on and find out whats new first.
    If you havent subscribed do so.
    Thankyou Pete and Marie France and Laurie and Heather.
    Lizzie G.

  2. Wow, this is great stuff! Looking forward to seeing everyone at the End of Year Party! Wow this technology is mind Blowing!
