Friday, January 23, 2009

Who Counts, the Critic or the doer of Deeds?

President Roosevelt said this in Paris in 1910 and it expresses my sentiments about President Bush as his time in office ends, and for that matter all great Men and Women in places of Leadership.

“It is not the critic who counts: not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who strives valiantly, who errs and comes up short again and again, because there is no effort without error or shortcoming, but who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, who spends himself for a worthy cause; who, at the best, knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who, at the worst, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat.”

President Theodore Roosevelt

Friday, January 16, 2009

What excuse do we have for Self Pity?

I received this article and video clip today from the author of; "The Way of the Peaceful Warrior" Dan Millman, watched it and was completely "slapped up the side of the head"! What right have I to ever pity myself and my current circumstances! If I fall down 100 times, the only thing to do is get back up again for the 101st time! Otherwise as Nick says, "It's a little hard to walk when you're lying flat on you face!"

So Dan says, Time to get a jump-start in 2009, this final year in the first decade of the new millennium — a year filled with extraordinary challenges — the chance to show grace under fire and humor despite the daily news.

On this roller-coaster ride called life, in which our personal, national and global dramas unfold like the children's game of "Chutes and Ladders," we develop a greater capacity to enjoy the peaks and make good use of the valleys — to reflect upon our lives, to rebuild our foundations, and to prepare for the next upswing.

In case the daily news seems discouraging, or life has gotten you down, the following video piece provides some perspective. Nick Vujicic (pronounced "Voy-chich") reminds us that our experience of life is not only shaped by what happens to us, but by our response to the circumstances we encounter.

Whether or not you view life through a religious orientation as Nick does, he offers the universal reminder that falling down provides an opportunity to get up again, and stand as tall as we are able...

Have a fantastic day!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Foodmatters - it's a matter of Responsibility!

This is a fantastic Educational Video that says so much, thank goodness we've learnt what we have over the past 10 yrs in being responsible.

I believe it is never to late to start making Healthy Choices, to therefore have a Healthy Home!

Phillip Day, Cancer Researcher and one of the World's Leading Health Authors is coming to Australia to do a series of talks titled, "HEALING IN THE HOME!" Don't miss this opportunity, he's funny, you'll be rolling in the aisles while getting Healthier!

Click here or copy this into your browser to learn more and book your tickets. Let us know if you are going and to which venue! It'll be great to get your feedback!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Mouthwash linked to cancer

From: The Sunday Telegraph
January 11, 2009

AUSTRALIA'S top-selling mouthwashes can cause oral cancer and should be pulled from supermarket shelves immediately.

Leading independent experts have issued this strong warning after investigating latest scientific evidence linking alcohol-containing mouthwashes to the deadly disease.

Their review, published in the Dental Journal of Australia, concludes there is now ``sufficient evidence'' that "alcohol-containing mouthwashes contribute to the increased risk of development of oral cancer''.

Click here to read the full article on the website

Alternatively, you can copy and paste this link into your


Sunday, January 11, 2009

Wholesome Ingredients

Neways Healthy Homes products combine the best from science and nature, to offer a wide variety of personal and household products with safety conscious formulas that you can use with confidence.

We not only refuse to use potentially harmful ingredients in our formulas but strive to add wholesome, gentle, scientifically proven and advanced ingredients to every product we create.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Hormone Replacement Therapy

HRT ... There is an alternative!

Our bodies are being bombarded by poisons,
sprays, plastics, processed foods and stress.

Many of these toxins produce Xeno-oestrogens. If you suffer with
any of the following ailments, you may be suffering from an

Oestrogen Dominance.
• Breast tenderness or swelling • Fibrocystic breasts • Heavy
menstrual flow or irregular periods • Menstrual cramps • PMS
• Endometriosis • Cravings • Weight gain • Bloating • Uterine
fibrosis • Fibroid tumours and ovarian cysts • Loss of libido
• Mood swings • Depression • Acne • Osteoporosis.

This oestrogen dominance may also result in interference with
proper thyroid function, infertility and increased risk of feminine
cancers. Blanket prescribing of the Pill and HRT seems to
increase the problems further and may produce significant and
sometimes life threatening side affects.

What has Nature got to say?

In the past, hormonal imbalance was most often considered to be
a problem associated with menopause. However, a large portion
of women in their thirties or even younger, are showing alarming
signs of hormonal misfunction. The incidence of needless
hysterectomies for young women has grown alarmingly.

Wild Yam and Chaste Tree - the ideal solution!

Recent research has found that the extracts of Wild Yam and
Chaste Tree in the form of a cream, indicate significant benefits
for women in creating relief from oestrogen dominance and
progesterone deficiency symptoms. This has been a breakthrough
for women globally.

Due to the natural anti-inflammatory properties of these ingredients
both men and women with joint pain, spinal pain and arthritis find
great relief. Men with prostate challenges too may experience
relief simply by applying the cream!

The truth about ANTI-OXIDANTS

Daily our bodies are soaking up a constant bombardment of cell
damaging substances known as free radicals, generated by such
things as chemicals, perfumes, solvents, exercise, car exhaust
fumes, pesticides, drugs, smoking, fried foods, alcohol, radiation
and even sunlight.

When the three generations of anti-oxidants are synergistically
combined, they seem to have a powerful ability to reduce the effects
of free radical damage and will aggressively fight and protect
your body for greater periods of time than regular anti-oxidants.

A sustained release formulation of anti-oxidants, which has a
cascading effect to further neutralise free radicals, is ideal to
supplement the above powerful anti-oxidants.

After years of research at the Gerontology Centre, aging expert
Richard G. Cutler concluded that the more anti-oxidants found in a
body, the longer an individual’s life will be. In order to live a long
and healthy life, anti-oxidants should be a staple of any daily
nutritional program.

1st Generation Anti-Oxidants
Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E
Commonly known anti-oxidants, and used by most individuals to combat sickness.

Effective for up to 3 hours

2nd & 3rd Generation Anti-Oxidants
• Grape Seed (Oil Soluble) 50x’s more powerful than Vitamin E
• Pine Bark (Water Soluble) 50x’s more powerful than Vitamin E
• Curcuminoids 150x’s more powerful than Vitamin E
• Ginkgo Biloba

Effective for up to 3 days

A sustained release formulation of anti-oxidants, which has a
cascading effect to further neutralise free radicals, is ideal to
supplement the above powerful anti-oxidants.

After years of research at the Gerontology Centre, aging expert
Richard G. Cutler concluded that the more anti-oxidants found in a
body, the longer an individual’s life will be.

In order to live a long and healthy life, anti-oxidants should be a staple of any daily nutritional program.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Is This You?

Do any of the following apply to you?

Most people ask you if you are taking your multi-vitamin
supplements, yet the number one missing ingredient in
people’s nutrition is minerals.

If you mark 3 or more in any group, you may have the indicated

The following is meant to be used as a guide ONLY:

Group I
Achy joints
Kidney stones
Heel or bone spurs
Spinal curvature
Paget’s disease
Painful tendons
Leg or menstrual cramps
High blood pressure
Hormonal imbalance
Arthritis (Rheumatoid)


Group II
Irregular heart beats
Cold extremities, or just cold a lot
Heart disease


Do any of the following apply to you?

Is This You?

Group III
Chronic tiredness
Dizziness upon standing or getting up
Frequent urination
Always (or never) thirsty
Liver problems
Menstrual distress
Digestive difficulty
Kidney failure


Group IV
Premature greying of hair
Sagging skin
Thin skin


Group V
Pale and anaemic
Chronic tiredness
Recurrent yeast infections/candida
Family history of cystic fibrosis
Muscular dystrophy
Heart problems
Liver problems (cirrhosis)
Muscular weakness (imbalance)
Low resistance to infection


Sick of being Sick & Tired of being Tired?

You may have a Mineral Deficiency. . .

For optimum health, the bodyrequires over 90 different nutrients

60 minerals, 16 vitamins,
12 amino acids, 3 essential fatty acids

Mineral deficiencies have been linked to the following:
1. Cancer
2. Heart Disease
3. Stroke
4. Diabetes
5. Osteoporosis
6. Arthritis7. Alzheimer’s

How much nourishment is in our food?

People constantly tell us they have a good diet but did you know
how much food value losses there are in processing our foods?
Look at these figures:

Early Harvesting . . . . . . . . . . . . . UP TO 25%
Transporting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UP TO 25%
Storage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UP TO 50%
Cooking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UP TO 50%
Freezing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UP TO 83%
Canning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UP TO 83%
Overprocessing . . . . . . . . . . . . . UP TO 100%
Refining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UP TO 100%
Pasteurisation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . UP TO 50%

Reference: Consumer Alert Publications - Tired of being Tired, Sick of being Sick by Kare Possick.

Mineral Deficient Soils lead to Mineral Deficient Plants.
Mineral Deficient Plants lead to Mineral Deficient YOU!
Plant-based Colloidal Minerals are absorbed into the body quickly
and easily with 98% absorption. Most minerals come in the form of
Inorganic or Metallic minerals, resulting in only 3-12% absorption.
Make the most of your minerals ... use Organic Colloidal Minerals.


For optimum health, the body requires over 90 different nutrients of your family!

You only get one life - treat it with the value it deserves!

Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Years Message to the Leverage In Action Team!

We wish you a Happy, Prosperous and Abundant New Year for you and your Families.
We are loving living at Newington, Renee and Daniel have settled in really well and having the area out the front that is paved and can only be accessed by the four neighbors is fabulous. Renee I'm sure will master riding her new Barbie Bike very quickly.

2008 was a year of immense change in the World! When we reflect we see that change creates opportunity.

We also see through the New Neways Logo and the initiative to create 10 Million Neways Healthy Homes throughout the World we are in the Golden Age of Neways. Through 2009, 2010 we'll experience amazing explosive growth because today more than ever people are looking for Health and Wealth Solutions.

What an opportunity we have through Neways, with the Neways Convention in Adelaide just less than 6weeks away don't miss the opportunity to learn from Dr Andrew Berman and members of the Scientfic Advisory Board why today more than ever the Neways products are second to none. Also, with Phillip Day (Health Researcher) speaking at the Launch of the Neways Healthy Homes Initiative we'll learn how Neways is Making the Difference in the World.

Click here or on the image to register for the Australian & New Zealand 2009 Neways Convention and Click here to learn all about the Super Sunday Afternoon Convention Follow-on Session with Brian Tracey and Dr Andrew Berman

We hope your Christmas and New Years Celebrations were as pleasant as ours was and we wish you a Prosperous, Health, and Harmonious 2009!

Laurence & Heather Billing