Friday, January 16, 2009

What excuse do we have for Self Pity?

I received this article and video clip today from the author of; "The Way of the Peaceful Warrior" Dan Millman, watched it and was completely "slapped up the side of the head"! What right have I to ever pity myself and my current circumstances! If I fall down 100 times, the only thing to do is get back up again for the 101st time! Otherwise as Nick says, "It's a little hard to walk when you're lying flat on you face!"

So Dan says, Time to get a jump-start in 2009, this final year in the first decade of the new millennium — a year filled with extraordinary challenges — the chance to show grace under fire and humor despite the daily news.

On this roller-coaster ride called life, in which our personal, national and global dramas unfold like the children's game of "Chutes and Ladders," we develop a greater capacity to enjoy the peaks and make good use of the valleys — to reflect upon our lives, to rebuild our foundations, and to prepare for the next upswing.

In case the daily news seems discouraging, or life has gotten you down, the following video piece provides some perspective. Nick Vujicic (pronounced "Voy-chich") reminds us that our experience of life is not only shaped by what happens to us, but by our response to the circumstances we encounter.

Whether or not you view life through a religious orientation as Nick does, he offers the universal reminder that falling down provides an opportunity to get up again, and stand as tall as we are able...

Have a fantastic day!

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