Monday, July 27, 2009


Laurence Billing has just read and signed the petition: A UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF RESISTANCE TO MANDATORY VACCINATIONS

You can view this petition at:

Message from Laurence Billing:

Hi, I just signed the petition "A UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF RESISTANCE TO MANDATORY VACCINATIONS". I'm asking you to sign this petition to help us reach our goal of 1,000,000,000 signatures. I care deeply about this cause, and I hope you will support our efforts.

----- provides tools and empowers individuals to make a difference and effect positive change through online activism. Get connected with the causes you care about, take action to make the world a better place, and start your own petition at! is powered by Care2, the largest and most trusted information and action site for people who care to make a difference in their lives and the world.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Hmm, love that Pie!

How did we cope without these iPhone's? What did we do to capture these memories?

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Bruce Lee plays Ping Pong -- with Nunchucks

Amazing - this clip shows me what I am capable of, if i just set my mind to a task and work to master it!

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Phillip’s Weekly Health Tip -

Ye Dreaded Swine Flu

As the panic mounts, governments across the world reassure a tremulous population that enough vaccine will be available for the multiple shots necessary to save yourself and your loved ones from the dreaded pig plague….

Haven’t we been here before?

Mike Adams reports: “The World Health Organization -- always a trusty friend of Big Pharma -- has announced that swine flu is "unstoppable" and is now directing all the nations of the world to vaccinate their citizens against the H1N1 influenza strain. This is essentially an order for global mandatory vaccinations.

And yet, at the same time the WHO is recommending mass global vaccinations against the swine flu, it also states on its own website that such vaccines have never been proven safe. In its own words (

[Emphasis added] "Since new technologies are involved in the production of some pandemic vaccines, which have not yet been extensively evaluated for their safety in certain population groups, it is very important to implement post-marketing surveillance of the highest possible quality. In addition, rapid sharing of the results of immunogenicity and post-marketing safety and effectiveness studies among the international community will be essential for allowing countries to make necessary adjustments to their vaccination policies."

Which translated means, the vaccine might turn you into Martian, ‘we just don’t know the implications yet’.

I’ve got a better idea. Why not get yourself healthy with a boosted immune system, since all flus are opportunistic and will afflict the vulnerable. I’m going to deal with this subject in more detail in next week’s EClub, but for now, those with low levels of Vitamin D should ensure they are tanked up. For more information, good sites to visit are, and You should aim for 5000ius a day of Vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) if you are supplementing, though obviously it is better to obtain your Vit D naturally from the sun (do not burn).

Notice that very few newspaper reports are discussing other measures the population can take. It’s vaccines, vaccines, vaccines, and heavens, you’d better hope that Brown/Obama/Rudd get the stuff into the clinics in time or WE’RE FINISHED!!

Any virus will not thrive in a body with pronounced immunity, lots of antioxidant and anti-viral potential, and plenty of oxygen. Take sensible precautions and advise others to do the same. Keep properly hydrated with water and Himalayan salt. Regular exercise and intakes of vitamin C complex (half a teaspoon twice/three times a day in water) is good insurance, as is allicin, the stabilised extract of garlic, which is a renowned virus hunter (2 caps twice a day).




Friday, July 3, 2009

The Litter Muncher!

Renee's first roll in a musical! How cool! :-) she was totally in her element! A real performer!

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Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Hi All,

New legislation currently passing through Parliament will effectively make it illegal for Midwives to attend Homebirths as of July 2010, there is also a clause in this legislation that allows for women to be fine $30,000 for enticing a Midwife to attend her at home without insurance (there is no insurance available for home birth).
Please sign the petition on the Homebirth Australia website
even if you have never had, wanted, or been interested in Homebirth issues, please take a minute to think about this, it is about Womens right to Choice. It is a fundamental right to birth where, when and with whom they choose.

What people say about home birth

Both our children, Renee & Daniel were born at home, an experience which I will always cherish! Just think, we could have everything just the way we wanted it and our children were born into an environment which they were familiar with, not a stark, sterile, clinical, noisy place surrounded by strangers.

We support Homebirth Australia's work and if you'd like to learn more and speak to the midwife we had, then visit
-: Laurence & Heather Billing

I enjoyed giving birth to my second son in a birth pool. My birthing room was warm and candlelit and I was lovingly supported by my birthing team. This made me feel emotionally safe as I birthed my baby gently.

I would love Australian women to enjoy a water birth just as I did. I am surprised to hear that less than 5% of Australian women can choose warm water immersion for pain relief and for birth!

I strongly recommend that the medical system in Australia give women the choice to be able to use a warm water pool during labour, for deep relaxation and giving birth.

I support Homebirth Australia's work to enable all Australian women to choose where and with whom they share their intimate experience of birth.
-: Elle McPherson